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Accessibility: Team Meetings 2008 Dec 10

-!- sandy changed the topic of #mono-a11y to: Accessibility & Mono | Accessibility | Iteration Meeting in progress


so last iteration we were distracted with a whole lot of things


* sandy 
wants a gold star

bugs from QA
test breakages, etc
but we need to take steps to avoid distractions if at all possible
so that we can make our deadlines
so if there's anything at all that is bothering you, or that we could be doing better to avoid issues like this
please let me know


I thought it was helpful when you suggested we push off QA bugs until next iteration...made me better able to focus, at least

as far as bugs coming in from QA, they'll be only marking as p1 issues that break the build, or otherwise make it very difficult to get anything done
sandy: yeah, that will hopefully help
other bugs, p2 and lower, will be put off until the next iteration


so that developers can focus
lets see, other than that, we have the 0.9.1 tag happening on friday
so please backport anything that meets the critera I mentioned earlier
moving on, this sprint will be 3 weeks so that we can accomodate various holiday vacations


brad: Do you know yet what time on Friday we'll tag for 0.9.1?

so our next meeting will be on the 30th
mgorse: that depends on decriptor mainly
mgorse: I'd imagine around 12 MST, but I'll send the details out later


so for developers, the priorities for this next iteration are as follows
high priority open bugs (p1), features for 0.9, backporting, open bugs, and 1.0 architecture stuff


and then new features
for 1.0
I have a wiki page prepared that should help a bit
so when assigning work, please pick from this page first
some of them are assigned to Andres, so please only select #444686 and #428614 from him


any questions before we move on?
bgmerrell: do you mind giving a quick recap of QA's deadlines coming up so that the developers are aware?


bgmerrell: or maybe delegate that to someone with a better keyboard?


hmm, he doesn't seem to be responding
calen: could you fill us in on your deadlines?

is there a wiki page with the QA schedule?


yes almost to odffice

bgmerrell: heh, okay.. we can give you a bit of time

brad: hi


decriptor: hello

yes, we have a  google doc in wydy7S3XPTBTRS9n_oBjJA&hl=zh_CN
brad, can you set bug456343 to high priority?


it would be really great if you guys could write a wiki doc at a very high level for us
calen: let me look

ahh, much better

calen: it's already a p1 and already mentioned on the wiki page


calen: what else would you like me to do?

brad, oh sorry, i didn't saw it. thanks!

calen: sure, no problem
bgmerrell: the floor is yours

okay, so basically Jared has asked QA to be very diligent in getting all of the controls that made it in 0.9 tested before Dec 17


so Ray, Calen and I have all been working only on Strongwind tests for the last few weeks
each Wednesday we have deadlines set so that we can have all the controls tested by the 17th


like Calen said, the deadlines are shown in the google spreadsheet, but we can create a higher level wiki based on that

that would be great, thank you bgmerrell
alright, anything else before we start assignments?


cool.  go ahead and start assigning work... please pick around 5 hours per day for as many days as you'll be in town.  Max 20 days


so the only Novell holidays are Dec 25 and Jan 1, right?


(in the US)



* bgmerrell 
waves his fist at the brad

bgmerrell: not my fault you're too slow...

oh no you di'int


our iteration ends on teh 29th


I count 14 days
(not including weekends)

ah, I was counting weekends... my bad
yes, so max 14 days :)

* brad 
sends sandy a gold star sticker


brad: our next meeting will be on Tuesday(30th)? not Wednesday(31st)?

ngao: correct


right, maybe in that meeting there's a lot of people missing

ngao: some people in the US take the 31st off

i see thanks

knocte: I think that's fine... if people are missing, they can catch up when they return


brad, thanks for letting us know

ray: no problem

most people take the 30th off too, brad

ok because I was thinking to take FTO that whole week

generally Provo is empty from the 24th-1st inclusive

by a show of hands, how many people are thinking about being on FTO?


during that week

* bgmerrell 
shows his hands

* sandy 
is planning on ITO

* knocte 
shows his hands as well

me too.

alright lets see
maybe we move it to the 5th?
does that sound good for everyone?


why not 24th? let's ask how many people will be here on that day


Brad won't

I'll be on FTO




I won't be on FTO until 29th


well, let's go back to the 5th... will anyone be gone then?

FYI, we China guys will be on Holiday 1st-3rd, and 4th is back to work :)

I think 6th is better for me

ngao: isn't the 4th a Sunday?


alright, jan 6th, going once, going twice...

brad: yeah, but it's a switch day

ngao: hmm, how does that work?

I'm taking FTO on 6th


what about 7?


brad: it's a switch day for 2nd

if anyone says they're taking FTO on the 7th, we'll have the meeting at their house

* bgmerrell 
is thinking about getting a pool table for Christmas

-!- peteb_ [~ptbrunet@cpe-70-122-57-22.austin.res.r] has quit [ChatZilla 0.9.84-rdmsoft [XULRunner]]


woohoo, let's fly to china!

* brad 
is thinking about being in front of bgmerrell's house on christmas day with pool cues


brad, 4th will be a swap day for 2th

ray: ah, I see
okay, done.  the 7th it is.
can everyone please send me schedules of their FTO as soon as they know?  thanks


knocte, that will be cool :)



everybody, refresh Accessibility:_Sprint_4


bgmerrell: you are going to get too much practice in

brad, BTW, today we filed some new bugs, i think they didn't in Sprint wiki, do you like assign them for next iteration?

* decriptor 
is going to end up losing everytime instead of most of the time

calen: are they high priority?


sandy: you're a wonderful man

brad, P2 and P3


many people praise me for inventing regular expression find/replace
but not enough

sandy: you are awesome

sandy, woo


a pool table is a pretty big decision


and by big i mean physically
it takes up a lot of space

calen: hmm, which bug #s?
bgmerrell: the question you must ask yourself is, do you really need a dining room table?



bgmerrell, why don't  you change you mind to have a virtual game instead of a physical one :P

because it's pool!

we could just be the clampetts


* bgmerrell 
watches the joke fly over everyone's heads and feels old

brad: 457990, 457939,457925,457846, 457845

bgmerrell: I got it, no worries

-!- peteb [~ptbrunet@cpe-70-122-57-22.austin.res.r] has joined #mono-a11y


knocte: Would you like me to take 456341 (ComboBoxDropDown selection not implemented completely)?  It is currently unassigned

hugh, I just assigned it to me, but let me check something

oh, you must have done it 10 seconds before I messaged :)


yep x)
I thought that bug was part of some feature missing/untested, but now that I look more into it, it should be working


calen: ok, they look likek they're all assigned out now


mario: i do not agree that 457830 is a duplicate of 457846

brad, thanks :)

bgmerrell: I agree with you, however in the bridge, you care about HelpTextProperty, and HelpTextProperty is set either by AccessibleDescription or Tooltip


mario: we're trying to make bugs as atomic as possible.  it seems like it would be realistic that one of those bugs be fixed while the other is open, which means it is a good candidate for two separate bugs.


in my view anyway. :)


bgmerrell: go ahead and reopen the bug, however it will be the same fix for both.

as far as new controls, I'll take ToolStripButton, DateTimePicker and FlowLayoutPanel

brad: you unassigned me in 447851 :-(

* decriptor 
steps out for a minute

mario: oops


mario: really?  I don't see you assigned
mario: alright, I'll give it back

mario: are 457845 and 457846 both resolved?


bgmerrell: missing bridge-side


mario: oh, right, thanks

now my assigned bugs aren't assigned any more

mario: what happened?

so, bugzilla usually says something about a previous change before you commit yours.


mario: it seems like your comment #2 in 457830 might be important to whoever fixes 457846 on the bridge side


bgmerrell: yep, copying and pasting.

brad: I have a bug I added to berserk, and it won't show up in my planning page (though it shows up for me on the main page)


brad: ?id=456598

sandy: so did you get an error when you tried to add it?

ray: calen: #mono-a11y-qa?

brad: only the second time

sandy: because it said it already existed?

(said it was already part of the iteration, and when I checked to see who had it, it was me)

hmm, weird


sandy: did that come from last iteration?

I created the bug last iteration
but it's a regular P4 enhancement

I'll look at it in a minute

bgmerrell, sure


okay, so if our next iteration meeting is the 7th now...


...that means this iteration is 18 days

are you sure it isn't 20?


minus 2 holidays

wow, berserk is going berserk




i'm hungry


well guys, I think we're done, so if the folks in China want to log off if you haven't already, please go ahead


sandy: Are you finished working on TreeView?


mgorse: No, there are two bugs I'm only starting on this iteration: ExpandCollapse support and Value support for editing node names
mgorse: also, I need to patch MWF to have events when nodes are added/removed


there should be enough to get started on the bridge side, but it might be easier to wait until next iteration





I'm getting a build fail on uiautomationwinforms 64bit only
last known good rev is 121170, failed on 121217


*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mono: free(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000010fd9e8 ***


decriptor: can you re-run it and see if it's consistent?


I saw something weird like this periodically when building UIAutomationWinforms lately

Everything on the sprint 4 page has been assigned

I'll pastebin it next time, I don't recall the exact errors


32 bit built find

mgorse: cool, feel free to take on other new feature work
decriptor: I just had a run-in with your doppelganger


well, except for this one: ?id=443937

brad: ?

decriptor: ?id=444289


decriptor: Steve Shaw

nevermind, that one's fixed

sandy: I marked that fixed

thanks mgorse, I was slow to catch up on that one :-)

brad: I'm stephen shaw


this one, though, is still unassigned: ?id=447852

I'd fixed it a while, then bgmerrell re-opened it but later filed another bug for what wasn't fixed, and the original bug was never re-marked fixed

decriptor: I know, thus your doppelganger

brad: there is stephen shaw, steve shaw, and steven shaw here in provo :)

*sigh* I was mentally blocking that one out.  I guess I should take it.


brad,  do you know is it correct if panel has "resizable" state?

steve and I both do build stuff
the other guy is in sales

ray: I guess it depends on the panel
ray: if the panel can be resized by a user, then yes.  otherwise no

brad, do you mean resize panel from UI?


ray: correct

brad, ok, that makes clear, thanks ;)


-!- sandy changed the topic of #mono-a11y to: Accessibility & Mono | Accessibility | Latest release is 0.9.0