ADO.NET Data Provider for Data Sources that have ODBC driver support. It is recommended to use a managed provider other than ODBC to access a database. For example, it is better to use Npgsql to connect to PostgreSQL instead of using ODBC.
Exists in namespace System.Data.Odbc and assembly System.Data
Works on Windows, Linux, and Unix.
Works on Windows via the native Windows odbc32.dll
- Works on Linux/Unix via:
- unixODBC which has commercial support from Easysoft
- iODBC which has commercial support from OpenLink Software
List of unixODBC drivers
List of ODBC Vendors
- ODBC can connect to various databases which has an ODBC driver installed:
- MySQL Note: the MySQL Connector/Net from MySQL AB is the best way to connect to MySQL on Mono
- PostgreSQL Note: ODBC support for PostgreSQL is poor; please use the Managed provider Npgsql instead.
- Oracle
- Interbase
- Sybase ( via FreeTDS on UNIX)
- Microsoft SQL Server ( via FreeTDS on UNIX)
- IBM DB2 Universal Database
- MS Access (via MDB Tools on UNIX)
- Microsoft did not add System.Data.Odbc to the System.Data.dll assembly until Dot NET 1.1 (Visual Studio.net 2003). For Dot NET 1.0 (Visual Studio.net 2002), ODBC was available as Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll as a separate download from MSDN
Current Status
OdbcCommandBuilder has been implemented.
Can connect on Windows via native Windows odbc32.dll
Can connect on Linux via unixODBC’s libodbc.so or iODBC’s libiodbc.so
Various databases have been tested using their ODBC drivers: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server. Please note, some drivers maybe good while others may not be. If a managed provider is available, it recommend to use that managed provider.
Can execute non-query commands via ExecuteNonQuery of a OdbcCommand
Can execute aggreates and retrieve a single row single column result via ExecuteScalar of a OdbcCommand
Can execute queries via ExecuteReader of a OdbcCommand and retrieve results using an OdbcDataReader
Can get a DataTable containing schema info via GetSchemaTable() in a OdbcDataReader
Can Fill a DataTable in a DataSet via an OdbcDataAdapter
Action plan
Need to create more test cases to find and fix bugs
Test more ODBC drivers
Test other setups
Missing Features
Odbc Output Parameters
Complex Parameter Types (Binary, Numeric, Guid)
Testing ODBC Providers
You can test a native odbc provider with ADO.NET Odbc classes. There is a possiblity of bugs in either Managed code or the native odbc providers. Before filing a bug, make sure your native provider works with other languages (C, perl, etc).
To test a odbc provider
Create a DSN entry at /etc/unixODBC/odbc.ini and /etc/unixODBC/odbcinst.ini.
Provide the connection string information in odbc.config file under mcs/class/System.Data/Test/ProviderTests. The app settings name should be “ConnString”.
Go to the source director mcs/class/System.Data/Test/ProviderTest.
In a shell, enter “make run-test DATABASE=odbc”.
The following topics are for running tests for individual providers as stand-alone tests.
Testing ODBC provider with IBM DB2 Universal Database
You need a working mono and mcs
For UNIX, you will need unixODBC or iODBC installed
Have acess to a IBM DB2 Universal Database or you can download from IBM
Read these web pages about UNIX, ODBC, and IBM DB2
The ODBC provider is similar to the IBM DB2 provider.
Testing ODBC provider with MySQL
Prerequisites You can test Mono’s ODBC provider System.Data.Odbc with the MySQL ODBC driver MyODBC
- Take a look at OdbcTest.cs in mcs/class/System.Data/Test
Connection String Format
- Here is a ConnectionString format if you have a DSN setup:
"DSN=dataSetName;" +
"UID=myuserid;" +
- Here is a ConnectionString format if you do not have a DSN (also called DSN-less connection). Note the use of DRIVER and SERVER parameters:
"DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" +
"SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test;" +
"UID=myuserid;PASSWORD=mypassword;" +
C# Example
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Odbc;
public class Test
public static void Main(string[] args)
// have an ODBC DSN setup named MYSQLDSN
// that accesses a MySQL database via
// MyODBC driver for ODBC with a
// hostname of localhost and database test
string connectionString =
"UID=myuserid;" +
IDbConnection dbcon;
dbcon = new OdbcConnection(connectionString);
IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand();
// requires a table to be created named employee
// with columns firstname and lastname
// such as,
// CREATE TABLE employee (
// firstname varchar(32),
// lastname varchar(32));
string sql =
"SELECT firstname, lastname " +
"FROM employee";
dbcmd.CommandText = sql;
IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
while(reader.Read()) {
string FirstName = (string) reader["firstname"];
string LastName = (string) reader["lastname"];
Console.WriteLine("Name: " +
FirstName + " " + LastName);
// clean up
reader = null;
dbcmd = null;
dbcon = null;
Building C# Example:
Save the example to a file, such as, TestExample.cs
To build on Mono:
mcs TestExample.cs -r:System.Data.dll
- Running the Example:
mono TestExample.exe