Gendarme Rules: Design - LINQ

Gendarme’s rules about LINQ-related design issues are located in the Gendarme.Rules.Design.Linq.dll assembly. Latest sources are available from anonymous SVN.



Extension methods should not be used to extend System.Object. Such extension methods cannot be consumed by some languages, like VB.NET, which use late-binding on System.Object instances.

Bad example:

public static class Extensions {
    public static string ToDebugString (this object self)
        return String.Format ("'{0}', type '{1}', hashcode: {2}",
        self.ToString (), self.GetType (), self.GetHashCode ());

Good example:

public static class Extensions {
    public static string ToDebugString (this DateTime self)
        return String.Format ("'{0}', type '{1}', hashcode: {2}",
        self.ToString (), self.GetType (), self.GetHashCode ());


  • This rule is available since Gendarme 2.2


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